Al Ayre Español, Maite Beaumont y Eduardo López Banzo | Navidad barroca en Madrid
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
4th of January,
- Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel
- Free admission until full capacity is reached
- Free admission until full to capacity
This prestigious baroque music ensemble, founded by Eduardo López Banzo, offers us the chance to re-experience the sensation of listening to classical music for the very first time. The concert includes two magnificent Christmas cantatas by José de Torres and Antonio de Literes.
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
4th of January,
- Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel
- Free admission until full capacity is reached
- Free admission until full to capacity
- Telephone: 915 484 011
- Contact us:
- Metro: Sol (líneas 1, 2 y 3), Tirso de Molina (línea 1), La Latina (línea 5).
- Bus: 31, 50, 65, SE712.
- Cercanías Renfe: Sol (líneas C3, C4 y C4a).
- Bicimad: Estaciones 35 (plaza del Cordón), 9 (plaza de San Miguel, 9).
- Aparcamiento: Plaza Mayor (55).
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